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Beaut Maybelline 862 Turquoise Lagoon Nail Polish review

I was browsing around Superdrug the other day mainly to get Revlon lip butter in tutti frutti which seems to be annoyingly sold out everywhere right now when I came across this polish.
As soon as I saw it I knew I needed it, I have been wanting a tiffany's kinda colour for a long time but never really saw one in store but alas I have found one.
This polish is from Maybelline's new pastel range of nail polish's including lavender and a light pink. It's from the Express Finish collection and it's supposed to be a quick dry nail polish only taking 40 seconds to dry. This is Turquoise Lagoon...
It cost around £4.09 for this bottle (a strange number) and has a precision brush.
The first picture is from le Iphone and the last on my DSLR, I tried my best to get the true colour, in person you can definitely see more of the green in the polish and it's a little lighter.
I unfortunately found application a little difficult, for my first coat of this polish it was streaky and uneven. For the second coat it was still the same but not as bad and I found the only way round the streaky and uneveness was to make sure you have plenty of polish on the brush, almost a little too much and using less brush strokes.
I'm taking a wild guess and assuming the formulation is difficult to work with as it's quick drying. Indeed it is quick drying, I tend to get impatient with letting my nails dry and ruin them often but this polish dried very quickly. In fact as I am sat here I just timed how long it took for one normal layer to dry on my toe nail and it's true! By 40 seconds it seemed dry.

Pros:I adore the colour and that it's fast drying, the price isn't bad either, the precision brush is handy and it's easy to find.
Cons:I don't like the formulation it is a little difficult to work with, I have used £2 MUA polishes which are better, although they aren't 'quick-drying'.
I feel that the positives outweigh the negative, I can live with using this polish happily as long as I use my technique to get even streak-free coverage.

Have you used tried any of the Express Finish polishes?

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