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Italian Christmas at Sabatini Italian restaurant

Italian Christmas. Wherever you are. In Hong Kong for example. Living the same atmosphere. The better way of celebrating the holiday season is an excellent meal with family and friends.

Sabatini Ristorante Italiano at The Royal Garden has specially prepared an authentic Italian cuisine for a joyful Christmas celebration.

Michelin Chef, Claudio Favero has prepared a unique Christmas Eve dinner menu and New Year’s Eve dinner menu for the celebration. Chef Claudio says: “The menu that we made for Christmas evening is based on seafood which is the traditional way for celebrate Christmas evening in Italy”. Highlights of the festive menu include Seafood Salad with Lemon and Oscietra Caviar, Soft Boil Organic Egg and Alba White Truffle, Mayura Beef M9 grade with Treviso Red Endives and Black Truffle Sauce, Wild Turbot with Fish Tripe, Green Asparagus and Alba White Truffle, Linguine Pasta with Brittany Blue Lobster and Spicy Datterini Tomato Sauce and more.
And while you are joining the food, a wonderful music is performed by the live band.

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Sabatini Christmas Eve Dinner Menu
Insalata di Mare al Limone e Caviale Oscietra
Seafood salad with lemon and Oscietra Caviar

 Uovo affogato al Tartufo Bianco di Alba
Soft Boil Organic Egg and Alba White Truffle
Tagliolini con Cicala di Mare e Pomodorino Piccante
Tagliolini Pasta with Wild Flat Lobster and Chilly Cherry Tomato
全蛋幼麵配龍蝦, 車厘茄

Sgroppino al Limone
Amalfi Lemon Sgroppino

Rombo con Asparagi, Trippa di Baccala’ e Tartufo Bianco di Alba
Wild Turbot with Fish Tripe, Green Asparagus and Alba White Truffle

Manzo Wagyu con Millefoglie di Patata e Salsa al Tartufo Nero
Wagyu Beef with Potato Millefeuille and Black Truffle Sauce 

Cassata Siciliana con Salsa all’arancia Sanguinella
Sicilian Cassata Cake with Blood Orange Sauce

Sabatini New Year Eve Dinner Menu
Carpaccio di Anatra Affumicata con Puntarelle e salsa di Caprino al Tartufo Bianco
Smoked Duck Breast Carpaccio with Wild Chicory, Caprino Cheese Sauce and White Truffle

Scampo scottato con Funghi di stagione e salsa al Tartufo Nero
New Zealand Scampi with Seasonal Mushrooms and Black Truffle Sauce

Zuppa di Pomodorini con Granchio e Origano
Cherry Tomato Soup with Alaska Crab Meat and Oregano 

Spaghetti alle Vongole Veraci
Traditional Spaghetti with Vongole 

Arancia Sanguinella con Gelatina di Vino Marzemino
Blood Orange with Marzemino Wine Jelly

Cernia in Guazzetto di Patate e Pomodoro con Gambero Rosso Siciliano
Garoupa in Tomato and Potato Soup with Sicilian Red Prawn

Costolette di Agnello alla Scottadito con Radicchio Rosso Trevigiano e Tartufo Nero
Charcoal Lamb Rack “Scottadito” with Treviso Endives and Black Truffle

Delizia al Cioccolato
Chocolate Delight

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