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Beauty Tips For My Younger Self


Like many girls, when I was younger and in my early teens I was completely guilty of my fair share of beauty mishaps! It's only when you're older and a bit wiser on what actually works for you, do you look back and think "what the hell was I thinking?!".
I thought I would put together a list of these "beauty fails" to see whether any one else did these when they first started to experiment with beauty products! I'm definitely not saying that what I do now is perfect - you never know, I could rewrite this post in 10 years time and be criticising the things that I do now!

1. Put down those tweezers, Amie!
Who knew how lethal a pair of tweezers can actually be? Very is the answer and I'm sure most of you reading this will agree! I was definitely one of those girls that got a bit "tweezer-happy" in my early teens and one day decided that they had to be thin. Very thin in fact. Of course this looks ridiculous and I cringe whenever I see a picture of younger myself with these terrible brows. I actually went far enough once where I accidentally shaved off half my eye brow! Luckily I could hide it with my fringe, but I was so embarrassed that I think that's when I finally decided to give my brows a break.

2. Find the right skin care that actually works.
When I was younger I never stuck to a proper skin care routine. I either used the same products that my mum had bought for herself or just bought whatever was on offer at that time. With the added factor that I didn't even realise skin types existed, this meant I was constantly buying face scrubs/ cleansers that were for every skin type except my own! I never thought I had dry skin as I constantly had blemishes, so I continued to buy products for oily prone skin - which obviously made the situation worse! Throw in the fact I also have sensitive skin meant my skin was a mess, yet it was only when I was 16/17 that I started to sort out my skin care routine.  

3. Sort out your hair care routine!
My hair care routine was pretty similar to my skin care routine where I just used whatever I found in the bathroom at the time. Luckily I was quite clued up in the sense to use both shampoo and conditioner from a young age and that my hair didn't need washing everyday, so the condition wasn't too bad! But because my hair was curly, some days I suffered with fly aways and frizzy hair, so what was my solution for this? Well I used to put conditioner straight on to my dry hair in hope that it would smooth it down. Obviously it did smooth my hair down, but it also made it look ridiculously greasy and feel disgusting! I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea at the time, but thankfully I grew out of that habit!

4. Don't keep using makeup that clearly doesn't work for you.
Raise your hand if your 13 year old self thought the Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse was the best foundation invention ever *raises hand*. As I had no older sister to tell me what makeup I should actually be wearing, I let my younger self choose and of course I made all the wrong decisions! Dream Matte Mousse was the first to pop into my head. Despite using the lightest shade, I knew for a fact it was far too orange for me, yet I still carried on using it!

I was also a massive fan of glitter eye liner (gold being my favourite - lovely!) and used it on top of my liquid liner and lashings of mascara - it's a miracle I could even hold my eye lids up! I think I was slightly scared at the thought of swapping up my makeup, so I just stuck to the same products even if they didn't work for me! Luckily now I love to swap up my makeup, but I definitely won't be going back to these products! 

5. Get some dress sense girl!
Back in the day, I really didn't have a clue on fashion. Between the ages of 13 and 16 I had a weird sense of style and used to buy clothes that really did not suit me. I remember that I used to buy things from the Topshop and Miss Selfridge sales just because I wanted something from that brand, not because I'd actually ever wear it! This meant I collected some awful clothes that really weren't me and looked terrible on. When I wasn't wearing these, my typical look would be some unflattering jeans paired with the classic Primark ugg boots! Now that I work in the fashion retail industry, I do actually have some nice clothes (hallelujah), but I do remember it used to be such a struggle to pick out an outfit in my teens!

 I hope you enjoyed this post, I had a bit of a giggle to myself as I was writing this! Let me know whether you agree with any of these tips and leave your own in the comments below.

What beauty tips would you give your younger self?

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