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Essie All Tied Up Nail Polish Review

Today I have a nail polish swatch and review for you, and that nail polish is 'All Tied Up' from Essie. 'All Tied Up' is a rosy pink with brown undertones and very subtle gold shimmer. The shimmer looks pretty in the bottle however it isn't very noticeable on the nail. You definitely need a topcoat with this nail polish to make the subtle shimmer pop a little.

The formula of this nail polish is superb - you can easily get away with one coat. Combined with a new wider brush, the formula is non-streaky and dries quickly.

Overall I absolutely adore this nail polish. Without a topcoat the polish looks a bit flat but ignoring that, I can easily imagine this polish becoming one of my all-time favourite nail polishes (a big thing for a nail polish addict to say!!!). The formula is great and the colour is great - a very versatile pinky nude that is chic and elegant. Appropriate for work and the weekend. 

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