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Butterfly Spanish Language babe is aging fast but still a top language learning Youtuber

Oscar Orton

       When the Butterfly Language whore first appeared on Butterfly Spanish language You tube channel she was young and caliernte. However as years past the most devoted fans of Spanish Butterfly chicka has aged and gained some pork in her buns and she is nothing like she used to be some five to six years ago. 

 Butterfly gal should serve as a warning as many young women look hot in her early twenties and then use it and I once had a roommate who preferred Spanish women but did admit and realize they lose it often and can do so quickly. The Hot buttery Butterfly chick girl has checked in some pounds and is chunkier and chunkier by the year likely eating alot of the fattening and unhealthy foods like Tamales --which  is made upon of horse and cow face or the famed Burritto as Mexican Spanish food is all made up of the worse of the worse in processed food and it is taking its tole on this woman. 

Spanish Butterfly has hundreds and hundreds of videos showing the best placement and pronunciation  of Spanish verbs and how to say vowels and the best part of these videos was the sweaty slinky dress and body of this chick and it is sad to say as she get solder this important aspect of her program may be gone. In fact the full Gordo affect is quickly transitioning an done must wonder how many views to Spanish Butterfly will continue if this woman doesn't get a hold of her weight problem

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