Superman/Wonder Woman #18 marked the first issue of series in DC's post- Convergence universe, in which the pair of heroes each have drasticall…
DevamıOur mother brought home a magazine (The Eye Opener Fall 2012) from the health food store where she works. She wanted me to make the cookie recipe i…
DevamıWhite cards: -A blob that meets the bare minimum requirements for godhood -An alien wearing a goat penis -A first-level fighter with a man-catcher -A…
DevamıB1A4's first win since their debut "Music Show Core #1: What's Happening?" And on Music Bank today: "Music Bank #1: It's A…
DevamıI feel like this is getting stale with everyone. Well, I am a man of my word and I am going to keep this going. Today, I did jump on eBay, but it was…
DevamıChocolate leaves top simple and delicious chocolate cupcakes Today is a very SPRING like day and that always makes me feel like opening the windows, …